Space haven switch
Space haven switch

space haven switch

  • Arranged Marriage: The Apiary forces this on people via the system that chooses their ideal mate for them.
  • Are You Sure You Want to Do That?: Deciding not to risk severing the interplanetary flow bridge at the end of the game carries this sentiment, as it requires both protagonists to agree with the decision via two successive dialogue prompts: the one with less Confidence refuses to go through with the plan, and the one with more Confidence can either concede to their refusal or defy it.
  • Yu: Ok! I know, I know! It's a contemporary dance performance!
  • Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: When Kay and Yu are having a restless night while out camping:.
  • Applied Phlebotinum: Flow, a universal power source, and its condensed counterpart, rust.
  • Accessibility options are available to show additional HUD overlays during combat, disable shaky camera movements, and replace held button prompts with button taps.
  • The game autosaves right before you enter the Point of No Return, allowing you to easily replay the finale to access the other ending, if you so desire.
  • Bonus points for the Attract Mode and end credits cinematics being produced by an actual Japanese animator.

    space haven switch

    Animesque: The game has an art style and storyline that could be straight out of a Hayao Miyazaki film.The Apiary also boasts an army of robot soldiers called Hornets which they send after Yu and Kay once they discover their location.

    space haven switch

    An "apiary" is a manmade bee colony, and a suitable metaphor for an oppressive regime. Neither of these names can be inferred in-game since these two creature types can't be fought, and thus can't reveal their names via health bars. All There in the Script: Looking through the game's assets reveals that the creature that runs off with Kay's pants is known as a Sunatcha, and that the jellyfish-looking creatures that eat up flow threads are called Droploots.Several bosses bring along mook allies as well. Actually Four Mooks: Most non-boss encounters, represented by single roaming entities in exploration mode, contain at least two mooks, sometimes up to five.At least you can get a laugh out of it thanks to the hilarious animation of the thrown character faceplanting into the dirt. Failing to hit the target twice in a row unlocks an achievement. Achievement Mockery: Later in the story you gain the ability to have one character throw the other at certain fleeing non-hostile creatures.

    space haven switch

    This game is not to be confused for Haven: Call of the King, nor is there any relation between the two.

    #Space haven switch Patch

    In March 2022, the developers released the "Couple Update", a patch for the game that allows the player to swap the gender of Kay or Yu, allowing for the option to play through the story as a same sex couple. Together, they'll have to confront the forces that threaten to tear them apart as they settle into their new home. Aggressive beasts, strange corruption, sudden earthquakes, and the looming threat of the Apiary's search parties all threaten the young couple. Unfortunately, the planet is more dangerous than expected. They find themselves on a strange, uncharted planet called Source where they hope they can live out their lives in peace. Kay and Yu are a young couple who have fled from the Apiary, the oppressive interplanetary regime that dictated their lives. The game is focused equally on exploration and the romance between the two main characters and features an original soundtrack by Danger, who also contributed to the soundtrack of The Game Bakers' previous title, Furi. Haven is a sci-fi adventure RPG developed and published by The Game Bakers, released on December 3rd, 2020 for the PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

    Space haven switch